Where is the water Greeley?

The city of Greeley has always prided Itself on growing and expanding, “ Go West, young man,” Horace Greeley said. Greeley has always been known as a small farming town that has wanted to attract others to it. But Greeley didn’t plan for as many residents that it has, with a whopping 109,209. The population has gone up 30% in 10 years from 2010-2020 compared to the United states census form 2010-2019 the average population growth was .66%.

So yeah Greeley how did you grow so much?

Well the quick and simple answer is:

  • Jobs in energy
  • Health care
  • Agriculture
  • Major meat plant

With all of that aside we need to still find a way to be able to be able to supply enough water to the residents of Greeley. But on the other hand we have seen that in Thorton is fighting some legal issues with building 72-mile long pipelines. So they can start bringing water from the near by rivers In Fort Collins all the way to the north suburbs of Denver, According to The Colorado Sun.

Although water resources are scares in Greeley and is vidal to the contentious growth and development. Greeley has also been known for finding the Cache La Poudre and South Platte they then gained water rights in 1904, also from the The Colorado Sun.

But there still was an issues at hand in 2022 Colorado had officially declared there first water shortage. Which honestly isn’t a shocker in my opinion, Colorado has always been dry. I don’t know why it took so long for most people to see that. Even though there would be fire signs up during summer to prevent people from having open fires or any at all due to the dryness. Also if you live in Colorado you have heard a time or two people say after a good rain that, “We needed this, it’s been to dry.” Yawn, obviously we have all of Colorado has been screaming at us about this for many years.

So when people start freaking out if there is enough water in one county they really shouldn’t be shocked because they soil around us has been screaming at us. Or all of the forest fires that have been burning telling us their isn’t enough moisture or water for that sake.

So when people in a town freak out about growth and not having enough natural resources maybe they should try and find better solutions then waiting 10 years. I know that seem a little controversial to say but its true if the national average of growth is no where to where Greeley is. Why in the world are we waiting 10 years?

I know I am no expert but I have lived in Colorado most of my life, and this water issues has always been a thought and everyone's mind. I just don't understand how we can go this long and have more residents and still see no difference. But none the less I know these things do take time and people coming to an agreement along with bills getting passed. Seems simpler to think about then the do.

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